Let's Tell Your Story.
Writing a book can feel like being lost at sea.
Let's draw your compass togther.
Writing a book is a monumental feat. It's the stuff of legacy after all. But the journey is gorgeous. Let's make it happen.
Your guide.
No two book writing journeys are alike. From wherever you are plotting course, I can help you figure out the next step. To get an idea of how I work with writers, please have a look at the sample plans below. These are all customizable.
Over 15 years in the industry, I have also built a roster of trusted editors, designers and translators who can feature in your big book adventure as needed. For those interested in publishing your book independently, I can consult on print and distribution services like Amazon and Ingram Spark, as well traditional off-set printing.
Click below to set up a free 30-minute call with me. Let's break down the process together.
Map Out Your Project
Who? For writers who aren't sure where to start writing. And for writers who already have oceans of pages, paddling to an ever receding horizon. We can draw that line together.
How? I will give you homework over the course of 4 weeks to build a thesis, outline and scene or section list. As you move through the process, I will review your written thesis periodically. Includes 3 hours of phone time with me.
Want more? I can provide written feedback on your outline and scene list.
Write Your First Draft
Who? For writers who are looking for accountability, signposts, and encouragement. You want a beginning, middle and an end to anchor your big story.
How? Over the course of 12 weeks, I will give you homework (thesis, scene/section list, outline), which I will review. Together, we’ll plot the course for a scene/section writing adventure that will become the foundation for your book. This includes 4 hours of phone time with me set up as progress checks. If you're diligent, you'll finish with a working draft. If that's the case, expect a celebratory bonus call from me at the end of 12 weeks. I won't be able to contain myself anyway.
Want more? For week-by-week attention to your writing, I can provide my input on each scene over the phone.
Get a Full Review
Who? You've got a manuscript. Your most trusted reader says it's very good, but you are certain you need further critical feedback. I'll help you come about.
How? An initial 30-minute phone call will help me understand your concerns about the book. I’ll review your book for structure, pacing, characters, setting, and language, and provide an extensive summary along with my detailed track notes throughout your book. I’ll show you where you’re nailing it and where you’re falling short. After you've reviewed my notes, we’ll discuss your questions with 2 hours of phone calls. You should then feel equipped to write your final-ish draft. I say "final-ish” because most writers make significant changes during this phase and a final copy edit can be useful before submitting it to agents or publishers.
Want more? After this step, we can continue phone calls to discuss any hurdles you're meeting in the writing.
Write Your Book Proposal
Who? You've got a manuscript, but you aren't sure what's next. You need to get your book to agents and/or publishers.
How? You’ll need to prepare a book proposal for your non-fiction book. These are like business proposals, and it takes stepping out of your writer mind and getting into the business mind. I can help you figure that out. Over the course of 4 weeks, I'll give you homework to prepare this yourself. I will edit the final version including your sample chapters. I will be honest if I feel there's work to do on the manuscript there first before we work on the proposal.
Want more? If you have a chunk or all of your book already written, I can write the proposal for you.
Ghostwrite Your Book
Who? You've got a story to tell, but you would prefer to let someone else handle the craft of writing it. I will ghostwrite your book.
How? We will gather content over a series of interviews. As I write, we'll continue the conversation over voice note recordings. Together we can discuss style, structure, and tone. I will provide you with a sample chapter before embarking on the full book. We will have three rounds of approval, section by section. I will submit the book to my own editor for fine-tuning. You will have a book of roughly 75,000 words, ready to pitch to agents and publishers.

Not sure yet about writing a book, but you'd like to keep in touch?
Get my letters.
I’ll send you a letter once a month about writing, editing, and life in the tropics.